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13/2 The first safari

Today it was time to go to the Kruger Park. We saw a lot of beautiful things along the road such as the blyde canyon. It's the third biggest canyon in the world. We walked on bridges over the canyon. It was awesome! The lodge that we will stay at is called Mohlabetsi. Two weeks ago it rained a lot there so the seven kilometer long dirt road was very rough. I don't think our Honda car felt very good after driving on that road. Sometimes we even thought that the exhaust pip would fall off.


When we arrived at Mohlabetsi we where welcomed with some african pizza. At four o'clock it was time for our first safari. Both our families sat on an open Land Roover. Our driver was named Hamilton. We had only drived for about two minutes when we saw the first animals. It was a group of zebras and impalas (antilopes). Hamilton tought us that there are two types of zebras. One kind had three stripes, the third stripe is brown, and the other kind has only two stripes. We saw the one with three stripes. Only a minute later we found a group of giraffes. We lerned that giraffes are very similar with cows. For exampel they also have four stomaches. Hamilton took help from the other drivers and we found rhinos and elephants. These ar two of the big five. I hope we will see the rest of them: buffalo, leopard and lion.


We where on safari in three and a half hour. When we came back to the lodge we had south african meet stew for dinner. It tasted like cinnamon. After dinner we gone straight to bed, because we where very tired after the safari.






skrivet av: Kristina

Grattis på födelsedagen Adam :)

2012-02-14 / 15:22:31
skrivet av: Marianne och Ola

Hej familjerna!

Vi blir inte ett dugg avundsjuka när vi ser alla fina fotografier. Hoppas Ni får det fortsatt bra

på nästa safari.

Kram Marianne och Ola

2012-02-14 / 15:38:36
skrivet av: Anna

Hej på er! Det låter som ni har det helt fantastiskt! Pepsi mår bara bra. Han äter, sover och gosar med oss. Ha det fortsatt toppen! KramAnna

2012-02-18 / 22:48:12

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