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14/2 The elephant family

Five o'clock in the morning Hamilton woke us up and it was time to go on our second safari. We saw a lot of impalas, zebras, wildbeasts and giraffes. The highlight was when we found a big group of buffalos. It was like a hundred of them and they all followed the female leader. Buffalo is also one of the big five. Now it's only lion and leopard left. I really hope that we will see lions. On this trip we also got a really close look on a rhino. When we got back to the lodge we had a nice breakfest with scrambled eggs and bacon.


Untill the next safari we just chilled out in the lodge. At four o'clock it was time to get out in the bush again. We didn't see anything special for a pretty long time but then we saw the coolest thing so far. It was a group of maybe 15 elephants. They got really close to the car, like five meters and we got some really great pictures there.


After the safari we got home and ate chicken that where cooked over the camp fire. Today was my brother's birthday so when it was time for dessert the african women sang and danced for him.






skrivet av: Marianne och Ola

2012-02-15 / 14:47:18
skrivet av: mariane och Ola

Hej på er alla!

Vi måste uttrycka vår beundran för dina skildringar

på engelska från utflykterna. Du är ju superduktig.

Hälsa alla och ha en fortsatt bra dag!


Mormor och morfar

2012-02-15 / 14:50:29

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