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19/2 Cheetah, the worlds fastest

Today we were going on a half day safari trip. The car came and picked us up at four o'clock in the morning but there was one hour driving to the safari park so we had time to sleep in the car. Early  we found a lonely antelope with only one horn. Antelopes usually stays in groups but this one was kicked out cause it looked strange. But he didn't seem to be to unhappy.


Our guide was searching for lions but we didn't found any. Instead we found something much cooler. We were just driving normally, no tracks to follow or so, and then the car suddenly stopped and our guid pointed out to the right. First we didn't see anything but then we did. Four cheetahs were sitting in the grass like 50 meters away. They started to walk against us. Our guide told us that it was a mother with her three almost grownup kids. They passed the car just a few meters away. They where sneaking. Our guide believed that the mother was teaching her kids how to hunt. After a few minutes an impala suddenly ran  in full speed  over the road and after him was two cheetahs. We couldn't see if they cought the impala but I believe they did. Cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth. If it runs straight it can reach speeds up to 140 km/h, but much slower if it has to make a lot of turns. So, that's the only chance for the impala, to make a lot of turn when it runs. The whole park is 100 000 hectares and there are only 40-50 cheetahs. That makes this experience even more awesome.


Something else we saw was two giraffes that were mated. Of course we saw a lot of other animals but it would take  forever to count them up. We were very tired when we got home at two o'clock so we didn't do anything special the rest of the day.




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2012-02-21 / 20:23:34
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