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27/2 Cape Town

We left Stellenbosch the morning and head of against our final destination, Cape Town. It was only 50 minutes to drive and we had some free time before it was time to check in at our next hotel. We decided to go up to the Table mountain. It's a big, flat mountain just next to Cape Town. We went up there by cable car. Table mountain is over 1000 meters high so we got a great view over Cape Town. We had lunch at the top and then we went down again.


We checked in at Lawhill witch is a nice five star apartment hotel. Our apartment is huge. We have three bedrooms and three toilets. From our balcony we have view of some other hotels and the ocean. I thought that five stars was the limit, but our neighbor hotel actually have six stars. It must be very expensive to stay there.


In the evening we went out for dinner at the waterfront. We went to a belgian restaurant and I ordered belgian mussels. They were very good.



skrivet av: Anonym

Hej på Er alla!!

Njut av sista dagarna, snart är ni hemma igen. Morfar och jag packar för fullt. Tyvärr ses vi inte förrän i slutet av mars.

Det har varit jättekul att kunna följa era upplevelser inkl alla fotografier. Tacka Elin för



Mormor och morfar

2012-02-29 / 16:16:19

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