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28/2 Robben island

Today we had a full day Cape Town tour planned. The bus picked us up at nine o'clock. First we drove through the town and watched some statues and a castle that the Dutch people built when they first came to Cape Town. Then we continued to district six where the white people moved all the black people away and destroyed their houses. When they tried to sell the land nobody wanted it because of how they treated the black people.

Our next stop was the cape flats where all the very poor people live. We were allowed to go in to their houses and see how bad they lived. That makes me appreciate what I got. We went to a kindergarten. There were like hundred small children in a small yard and everybody was screaming. Today is my birthday so the children sang happy birthday for me. It was very cute.


It was now time to go to Robben island. On the island there was a high security prison where Nelson Mandela sat 18 of he's 27 years in prison. Now there is a museum and we got a guided tour by a former prisoner. We saw Mandela's cell and bed. The cell was about six square meters. It must be hopeless to sit in there for so many years.


Our tour was over and we went back to the hotel. We were tired so we just rested until the evening. We were suppose to go to a nice restaurant to celebrate my birthday but Sofia was sick and couldn't come so we ate at a smaller restaurant.




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